
I've linked my Backloggd account here now so that you can see what I'm currently playing through.

An incredibly short update, really. I’ve linked my Backloggd account here now so that you can see what I’m currently playing through. If you’re not familiar, Backloggd is basically Letterboxd but for video games!

Plus, I’m a backer of Backloggd, and they give you little badges for doing things. I’m a sucker for achievements, so I figured I should probably actually make use of it.

Ashley Mills
Ashley Mills

Hello. My name is Ashley, and I have a hoarding problem. None of this is physical though; my hoarding is entirely of a digital nature. I have nearly 1,000 games in my Steam library, and yet 95% of those have been completely unplayed. That's not even everything either—there are games I own on GOG, Epic, etc. as well!

So what's the point of all this? I guess it's to hold myself accountable, to finally plough through my gaming backlog of shame. With the advent of handheld PC gaming (the Steam Deck truly is one of the greatest ever creations), I'm finding it easier to make my way through what originally felt like a Herculean task. I'll be writing a review of each game, some of which will be triple-A (quadruple-A even!) mainstream behemoths, whilst others will be niche little novelties, but I'll treat them all with the respect they deserve (or don't, in some instances).

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